Request Email to Agency for Website Design – Sample Email Requesting for Website Design

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for website design

Respected __________ (designation),

I am ___________ (name) and I am writing this email with the utmost respect to bring to your kind consideration that we, as __________ (company name) are operating in the __________ (mention what your company deals in) industry for the last __________ (mention duration).

Through this email, I would like to express my interest in getting a website designed by your esteemed agency. I got to know about your website development agency via _______ (newspaper advertisement/ brochure/ digital advertisement/ any other). The preferred domain name is __________ (mention preferred domain name), and we are looking forward to showcasing __________ (category of products – cycles/ shoes/ printers/ affiliate/ content/ any other) on the website. The website must consist of a total of ________ (number of pages) pages, which includes essential pages like the __________ (homepage/ contact us page/ categories/ product description pages/ cart page/ 404 page/ any other).

For more queries in this matter, please reach out to me at _________ (mention contact details) or revert to this email. I shall be obliged for your quick and kind assistance in this regard.

Thanking you,

___________ (Digital Signature),
___________ (Name),
___________ (Company name),
___________ (Contact details)

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