Request Email to the Electricity Board for Installation of Electric Meter – Sample Email Requesting for Installation of Electricity Meter

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for installation of Electric Meter

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am __________ (name) and I write this email to bring to your kind consideration that I recently moved into __________ (mention property address) on __/__/____ (date).

Through this email, I request you for the installation of an electric meter at the property at which I am currently residing. This is to state that _____________ (mention requirement).

In this regard, I am ready to proceed with all the required formalities. I request your kind assistance through the procedure of getting the same installed. In this regard, you may reach out to me at __________ (mention your contact number).

Thanking you,

[Digital Signature – if applicable]
____________ (Signature)
____________ (Name),
____________ (Contact details)

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