Email to HR Manager to Request for Curtains in Office – Sample Email Requesting for Installation of Curtains at Office

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for curtains/ window blinds

Respected HR Manager,

My name is _________ (name) and I am working in your company as a _________ (designation) for the last _________ (mention duration). My employee ID number is _________ (mention your employee ID number)

I am writing this email with the utmost respect to request you for installation of the curtains at the office’s ___________ (location – floor/ building number/ nearest desk number/ any other) as _________ (mention requirement – sunlight makes it very bright/ sunlight makes it very hot/ any other). The curtains will be very helpful as _________ (mention benefits).

I shall be highly obliged if you could proceed with the request at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Most sincerely,
____________ (Digital Signature – If Applicable),
____________ (Name),
____________ (Designation),
____________ (Employee ID Number)

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