Email to Request Landlord for Move-In Inspection – Sample Email Requesting to Conduct Move-In Inspection

To:        _________@____.__ (Receiver’s email address)
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__ (Bcc/ Cc receiver’s email address)

From:   _________@____.__ (Sender’s email address)

Subject: Request for move-in inspection

Respected Sir/ Madam,

With due respect, I, ________ (name), write this email to request you for conducting a move-in inspection at your property for my upcoming shift to your facility i.e. ________ (address of property).

Respected, as I am currently finalizing the arrangements for my move into your premises, to confirm that your facility meets my expectations and that all the necessary amenities are working fine. I most humbly request a move-in inspection.

I shall be highly obliged for your quick and kind consideration in this regard. I expect your prompt response in this regard along with your availability in the future.

In case of need, I am available for a quick conversation at your convenience at ________ (mention contact details).

Thanking you,

_________ (your name),
_________ (contact details)

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