To: _________@____.__ (Receiver’s email address)
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__ (Bcc/ Cc receiver’s email address)
From: _________@____.__ (Sender’s email address)
Subject: Requesting medical leave
Respected Sir/Madam,
Most humbly, I am _________ (name), and I work as________ (designation) at your esteemed company i.e. ____________ (name of the company). My employee ID number is _________ (mention employee ID number).
I am writing this email with due respect to request a leave of ______________ (number of days) days from __/__/____ (date) till __/__/____ (date) due to the reason that I am suffering from chickenpox and it has been advised by my doctor to stay isolated and take rest for a few days. Therefore, I request leave for the specified duration. The symptoms I am experiencing include _____________ (rashes, blisters, itching, pain, fever/ any other – if applicable).
I assure you that I will promptly complete any pending work and ensure a smooth transition upon joining back. I kindly request your approval for the mentioned leave duration.
Thanking you,
[Digital Signature]
_________ (Your name),
_________ (Designation),
_________ (Employee ID number),
_________ (Contact details)
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