With due respect, I __________ (name) working as a _______ (designation) in _________ (department). I write this email in reference to the conflict that I had with Mr./Ms. ________ (name of the colleague) during ________ (conference/meeting/any other).
I would like to report that he/she ____________ (misbehaved/other) with me, which is very unprofessional of him/her. The reason for the conflict was ___________ (brief reason).
I believe that he/she may have handled the situation more maturely and I hope that he/she realizes his/her mistake regarding the same but I have been really tense after this incident and it also affected my work productivity. Kindly, look into this matter personally and take immediate action accordingly.
Thank you,
_____________ (Name),
_____________ (Employee ID),
_____________ (Contact details)
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