Sample Email for Seeking for Exemption from Duty – Email to Send Application for Exemption from Duty

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for seeking exemption

Respected HR Manager,

I am _________ (name) and I am working as a ________ (designation), at your company i.e. _________ (name of the company) for ___________ (tenure). I hold _________ (mention employee ID number) employee ID number.

I am writing this email with the utmost respect to request your kind approval for exemption from work for _______ (duration) from ___________ (mention date) till ___________ (mention date). The reason behind my request for the same is __________ (mention the reason – personal reason/ family member sick/ any other). I assure to be back to work by __/__/_____ (date).

I shall be obliged for your kind support in this regard. In case of any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at _________________ (mention contact details).

Thanking you,

Most sincerely,
[Digital Signature – If Applicable],
____________ (Name),
____________ (Designation),
____________ (Employee ID Number)

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