Email Seeking Permission for Shooting in School – Sample Email Seeking Permission to Conduct a Shoot at School

To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__

From: _________@____.__

Subject: Request for shooting permission

Respected Principal,

I am ________ (name) and I write this email to seek your kind permission to conduct a shoot for an _________ (mention purpose for shooting – advertisement/ short film/ movie/ dance/ act/ other).

Through this email, with the utmost respect, I would request your kind permission to conduct a shoot at your School i.e. __________ (name of the school). I am willing to conduct a shoot at your School as your School seems perfect for the scene. In the said shoot, the total number of participants, including actors and actresses, will be approximately ____ (number of members). In order to minimize the disruption to your student’s academic activities, we are more than willing to schedule the shoot during weekends.

The following will be the schedule to conduct the shoot: From __:__ (start time) till __:__ (end time) on __/__/____ (Date – Preferred).

I assure you to take complete responsibility for the property and in case of any loss, I will be paying the same. For using your property, a one-time _________ (amount) will be paid to you. I kindly request your gracious permission to proceed with the shoot.

I expect your timely response as this will help us in the timely completion of the necessary formalities. In this regard, please contact me at ________ (mention contact details).

Thanking you,

[Digital Signature – if applicable]
____________ (Signature)
____________ (Name),
____________ (Contact details)

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