To: _________@____.__
Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__
From: _________@____.__
Subject: Change of mode of transportation
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I am ___________ (name) and I have been working in your company for the last ___________ (mention duration) having employee ID number _________ (mention your employee ID number).
This is to most humbly inform you that I currently travel using _________________ (cab/bus/ shuttle/ any other) which is offered by your company and I am willing to get it changed to ______________ (cab/ bus/ shuttle/ any other). The current pickup time and location are __________ (mention time and pickup location) and the new time would be ____________ (mention time). Respected, the reason behind my request for the same is _____________ (daylight saving/ change in shift/ any other).
I request you to kindly assist me further with all the requirements and formalities for changing the transportation. I shall be highly obliged for your kind support in this regard. In case you have any queries, please do contact me at the contact details mentioned below.
Thanking you,
___________ (digital signature – If Applicable),
___________ (name),
___________ (employee ID number),
___________ (contact details)
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