Respected Sir/Madam,
With all due respect, my name is ___________ (name) and I am studying in ____________ (class) and my roll no./ registration no. is ____________ (mention roll no./ Registration no.).
I write this email to bring to your attention that my family’s financial condition is very unstable due to ________________ (mention reason). Therefore, I request you for a fee concession for this particular ___________ (mention duration – month/quarter/other).
I hope that you will understand my situation and consider this as a genuine request for a fee concession. I assure you that I will work very hard and score good marks to make my teachers and parents proud.
In case you want to contact my parents, you can contact them at the below-mentioned contact details.
Yours sincerely,
___________ (Name),
___________ (Roll number),
___________ (Contact number)
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